Conversation activities for ADULTS
- Are you an English teacher or other language teacher or do you want to just practice some language?
- Do you want to save time on preparing materials for your lessons?
- Do you think speaking and communication is important?
- Do you think having fun and having a good time in your classes is important?
- Pictures, conversations, discussions, thought-provoking questions, role playing games are great tools how to make our STUDENTS SPEAK.
- Activities can be used for all levels of the language, just adapt vocabulary and difficulty of questions to your student’s knowledge.
- All materials are in pdf format.
Although teaching adults seems to be a serivous thing,
WE CAN ALL ENJOY IT, students and us as teachers too.
Here are some activities that can help you with all of that:
Real Life Situations
Role-playing game for conversation
- real life English
- 20 topics
- 6 situations and 2 pictures for each topic
- for groups as well as individuals
- supports imagination and cooperation
Situační karty jsou zábavným a praktickým zpestřením lekcí AJ, při kterých si studenti mohou vyzkoušet reálné dialogy ze života. Studenti se s tématy dokážou ztotožnit a výhodou je, že způsob zpracování rozvíjí jejich kreativitu a možnosti jak se vyjádřit. Studentům se líbilo, že je možnost použít kreativitu, protože je jen dané téma, ale mají volnost ve zpracování, vyjádření. Uvědomují, si že jsou tyto situace potřeba v reálném životě i u maturity.
Aneta Cebišová
Lektorka angličtiny
What connects us accross cultures?
Great conversation topics
- 10 great topics such as Music, Nature, Sport
- questions and tasks for students
- discussion, communication and sharing
- broadens up your horizons
- inspiring
- interesting way how to get to know each other
The World full of Stereotypes
A diverse activity about different cultures and countries
- a game - 10 countries
- getting to know other countries and cultures
- many questions and topics for discussion
- getting to know each other by sharing
- supports expressing student's ideas
- describing, discussing, provoking new ideas, giving opinions, sharing thoughts
Travel as ...
Role-playing game, activities and communication
- provokes imagination and thinking
- interesting topics from real life
- focuses on cooperation and discussion
- using emerging language
- ideally for groups of students but can be used with individuals too
- questions and topics that evoke discussion
My Dream World
An activity full of creation
- full of imagination and creation
- great activity for sharing your ideas
- getting to know yourself and the others
- great topics for communication
- fun activity for groups as well as individuals
- helping with expressing your thoughts and wishes
What are we like?
We are all different but same too. We love diversity!
- for describing people and emotions
- looking for similarities or differences
- sharing thoughts and ideas, discussion
- pictures of different nations and ethnicities
- questions and tasks for students
- suitable for groups or for individuals too
Know the World
How well do you know our world?
- 8 typical photos + 6 graphic pictures for each continent to describe
- animals, nature, architecture
- fun activity full of exploring
- diccussion, communication
- questions and tasks for students
- suitable for individual students as well as groups
Make a story
Life is a wonderful thing. Use your imagination and be creative.
- 20 cards = 20+ different topics for conversation
- making up stories
- new vocabulary and phrases
- practicing tenses, modal verbs, adjectives or conditionals
- describing pictures
- role-playing activities
Daily Journaling
Light a candle and Immerse in yourself
- mind your daily life
- writing supports your mental health
- clarify your feelings and emotions whenever you feel like it
- fill in the questions and colour a picture
- print as many pages as you like
- FOR FREE within a package order