Conversation activities for ADULTS

  • Are you an English teacher or other language teacher or do you want to just practice some language?
  • Do you want to save time on preparing materials for your lessons?
  • Do you think speaking and communication is important?
  • Do you think having fun and having a good time in your classes is important?
  • Pictures, conversations, discussions, thought-provoking questions, role playing games are great tools how to make our STUDENTS SPEAK.
  • Activities can be used for all levels of the language, just adapt vocabulary and  difficulty of questions to your student’s knowledge.
  • All materials are in pdf format.

Although teaching adults seems to be a serivous thing,

WE CAN ALL ENJOY IT, students and us as teachers too.


Here are some activities that can help you with all of that:

Real Life Situations

Role-playing game for conversation

Situační karty jsou zábavným a praktickým zpestřením lekcí AJ, při kterých si studenti mohou vyzkoušet reálné dialogy ze života. Studenti se s tématy dokážou ztotožnit a výhodou je, že způsob zpracování rozvíjí jejich kreativitu a možnosti jak se vyjádřit. Studentům se líbilo, že je možnost použít kreativitu, protože je jen dané téma, ale mají volnost ve zpracování, vyjádření. Uvědomují, si že jsou tyto situace potřeba v reálném životě i u maturity.
Aneta Cebišová
Lektorka angličtiny

What connects us accross cultures?

Great conversation topics

The World full of Stereotypes

A diverse activity about different cultures and countries

Travel as ...

Role-playing game, activities and communication

My Dream World

An activity full of creation

What are we like?

We are all different but same too. We love diversity!

Know the World

How well do you know our world?

Make a story

Life is a wonderful thing. Use your imagination and be creative.

Daily Journaling

Light a candle and Immerse in yourself